What is iGuide?
iGUIDE® is a listing platform for Real Estate professionals to share the information buyers are looking for when searching for a home.

Property Floor Plans
Leverage the power of accurately visualizing your real-estate listings by providing high-quality floor plans.

Room Measurements
Buying a home represents so much more than the house itself. These measurements allow viewers to see how their furniture can fit in each room.

3D Property Tours
There’s simply no better way to showcase your listings than by immersing your prospects in a 3D property tour.

Neighborhood Information
The location of your listing matters greatly. Providing prospects with neighborhood information will only give you a competitive advantage as prospects want to be informed and aware.

Agent Information
Your information is always display at the very top, front and center. We want to ensure that as soon as prospect is interested in your listing, they know how to contact you right away.

Weekly Analytics
Track the number of people viewing your listing. Each week you’ll receive a report directly to your inbox. You will know how many people visited your listing and how long they stayed on the site. Share this information with your sellers so they can see how well you are marketing their property.